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Monday, February 25, 2008

Hip Hop Fatigue

Occasionally I get hip hop fatigue. It happens about once a year. I just find that I am not feeling anything new coming out so I go looking for something different, something not hip hop. Sometimes that involves looking for something completely new or just going back and listening to some old tunes. This time around it has been a bit of both. On the weekend I went out and bought 3 CDs all of which I already had in mp3s.

Beirut's Gulag Orchestra is an album I have had for a long while before I realised how good it is. In just 8 days I will be going to see the 8 piece Beirut band. If you have not already check out there is an awesome video section with live recordings of each song from the newest album.

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis recently did the soundtrack for the Jesse James movie but before that they did the soundtrack for the Australian move The Proposition. I picked up the soundtrack for The Proposition in a CD bargain bin. After listening to the soundtrack again I realised it was about time I saw the movie, so I did. Great soundtrack to a great movie.

I also downloaded the new Silver Mt Zion album 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons which reminded me how much I enjoyed their previous album Horses In The Sky so I went an bought it as well. These guys are certainly not for everyone but personally I can't get enough of their music at the moment.

1 comment:

Andrew McAlpine said...

I humbly request that you post a review of the Beirut concert, upon your witnessing of said concert, and subsequent return to to the creswell crib internet headquarters.

kind regards
