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Wednesday, December 26, 2007


MF Doom is notorious for lip syncing and generally just putting on bad shows. What do you expect from a villain in a mask? Earlier this year a lot of people were upset when they paid to see the super villain only to get a show from a hype man and some impostor wearing Dooms mask.

People did not learn to be wary of the villain so he has come back and done the same thing again. This time he has also apparently stolen all the money that was taken on the door. Obviously upset the club owner has sent an email out telling this story and offering up Dooms phone number so all us hip hop geeks can call him up and tell him what we think. Hit me up if you want the number!

I am loving this story it's great see some controversy in hip hop that is not about explicit lyrics. Here's hoping that the mad villain gives me more stories like this next year. Remember kids, never trust a villain!

On a more positive doom note one of my favourite hip hop crews Doomtree have just dropped their debut posse album. Taking a different route to the likes of Wu Tang each of the MC's have released an EP (all titled False Hopes) first before releasing the full crew album False Hopes

Some of you may be familiar with POS who had his album release on Rhymesayers. The crew is 11 deep and as well as POS includes MCs Sims, Dessa and Cecil Otter DJ/producers include MK Larada and Lazerbeak.

Dessa has quickly become my favourite female MCs. Her False Hopes EP earned many listens this year. Have a listen to Mineshaft and 551 from her myspace and tell me I am wrong.

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